5 Habits To Kick Start 2021

Create small habits to make your day more calming

Giorgia Francis
3 min readJan 5, 2021

Good riddance to 2020 right? It was an intense year for sure and nobody is going to forget anytime soon as much as we’d like to! Yet as we step into 2021, we still face the uncertainty of how this year will go but I still feel a glimmer of hope.

Why you might ask? In the UK we are currently facing our 3rd national lockdown and we are surrounded by people saying this is only going to get worse, don’t get your hopes up or the struggle is only beginning. The thing is, nobody can predict the future and at times I have definitely felt and said those statements but I’ve realised thoughts like that can be very overwhelming so I have to choose my mindset. Believe me, I know it’s a lot easier to say than do.

“The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.”
H. Jackson Brown Jr

2020 was tough there’s no doubt about it. But the reality is there are certain things that I want from my life and if I continue to wallow in my losses I won’t be able to create new opportunities. Although, there’s nothing wrong with taking the time you need and coming back stronger. Now this isn’t a post to force you to be happy go lucky or be positive 24/7 it’s to focus on creating small habits that will help you manifest the life you want and deserve.

1. Create a routine

Routines are a must for me. At times, my mind feels like there are a 100 tabs open, so planning for the week really helps that nothing important is missed. Although I also urge that you schedule a treat in at the end of the day, which allows you to have something to look forward to. For example watching my favourite film, cooking a new recipe etc.

2. Focus on your small wins

Sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in the big achievements and not recognise the small wins. Well this year, let’s change that. Maybe it’s writing more words than you usually do or drinking more water, whatever it is celebrate it! By doing this we don’t get so caught up in the frenzied state of feeling like we aren’t doing enough when really we are but failed to acknowledge it.

3. Limit social media time

On average across the globe we spend 2.5 hours a day on social media. Mindlessly scrolling through numerous posts and without realising it has become a habit. Take a break. Dedicate days or use ‘do not disturb’ to stop yourself from using social media and take note of how much better you feel.

4. Get that heart rate up

Whether it’s yoga, walking, dancing or even climbing stairs for 3 rounds, getting exercise works wonders for your health but also for your mind. It helps with productivity and makes you feel ready to take on the day.

5. Create check ins for yourself

Only you can create the life you want to live. Take either weekly or monthly notes on where you at, what brings you joy or what drains you. Continuing to focus on what you can control will make life that little bit easier.

2021 can still be your year, have faith and as long as you continue to do the best that you can that’s more than enough.

